Think Like a Commoner, Second Edition, features a concluding section, “Tools for Exploring the Commonsverse,” which lists books, websites, patterns of commoning, and other resources of interest. Here are some leading websites on specific realms of commoning.
Readers may also wish to consult David Bollier’s previous books on the commons, sometimes written or edited in collaboration with colleagues. The books show the general arc of his research, reporting, and thinking about the commons over the past twenty-five years.
Silent Theft:
The Private Plunder of Our Common Wealth
(Routledge, 2002)
A history of contemporary enclosures of the commons, from land, water, and public spaces to software, genes, and knowledge.
Brand Name Bullies: The Quest to Own and Control Culture
(Wiley, 2006)
A survey of corporate enclosures of creativity and culture using copyright, trademark, and patent law.
Green Governance:
Ecological Survival, Human Rights, and the Law of the Commons
Co-author, Burns H. Weston (Cambridge U. Press, 2013)
A legal treatise and set of proposals for using law to catalyze commons-based ecological governance.
From Bitcoin to Burning Man and Beyond: The Quest for Identity and Autonomy in a Digital Society
Co-editor, John H. Clippinger (Off the Common Books, 2014)
A collection of 15 essays that explores the rich potential of decentralized autonomous organizations on digital networks.
Free, Fair, and Alive: The Insurgent Power of the Commons
(New Society Publishers, 2019)
A fresh conceptual synthesis of the commons paradigm as a living social system that requires different ways of acting, knowing and being.
The Great Awakening New Modes of Life Amidst Capitalist Ruins
co-editor, Anna Grear (Punctum Books, 2020)
Twelve essays that critique the predicaments of capitalist modernity while offering practical ideas for a post-capitalist future.
David Bollier at david /at/ | New Society Publishers